Forward halt!

The Mozilla Foundation, the people behind the wildly successful open-source browser Firefox, is spinning off a for-profit corporation. The first sign? They’re using a particular phrase in no less than five of their FAQs: “going forward”. As in,...

Was your iPod Shanghaied?

Waiting impatiently for a new piece of Apple gear to arrive via FedEx, I searched for others in the same boat… and discovered that a little information is a dangerous thing. Have a look at this thread of customers (link removed) who got their FedEx tracking...

Blog remora

blog remora, n., blahg reh-MOH-rah: One who attempts to increase the popularity of her or his own blog, or avoid the labour of blogging, by quoting the comments of more established bloggers. e.g. – “Heyz, everyone. I’m kinda hung over after last...