We’re putting the finishing touches on Word Power, the Social Signal blogging workshop that Alex and I will be holding at the Hollyhock Centre from May 17 to 21.
I’m excited about this: there are a growing number of technical how-to resources for blogging, but there are still very few opportunities to learn about blogs from a strategic standpoint. How do you position them as part of an integrated communications strategy? How do you write in an authentic voice while still keeping your organization’s goals front and centre? And how can you tap into the power of the larger blogging world to help achieve those goals?
We get to spend four days with our participants answering those questions in the spectacular Hollyhock Centre on Cortes Island. It’s gorgeous, the meals manage the impossible task of being both sumptuous and ridiculously healthy, and Hollyhock’s workshops manage to attract some of the most interesting people I’ve had the good fortune to meet. I hope you can join us.
(And deep thanks to everyone who’s helping to spread the word: Marshall, Evan, Declan, Darren, Pogge, Derek, Idealistic Pragmatist, Wonderdog, Will and Mark. Not to mention the April 2006 issue of Vancouver magazine!)