Female, funny and fearless? Apply within.

The LaffRiotGirls are looking for Vancouver’s funniest new female comic: Think you have what it takes to be a stand up comedian? E-mail laffriotgirls (at) shaw (dot) ca to sign up for our Fourth Annual Comedy Competition. This year’s competition will take...

My next performance…

…is Friday, October 7 at the Laughing Bean. I’d be delighted to see you there, and this time I’m offering bribes: mention this blog post, and your first drink’s on me. (That’s not as generous as it sounds. The Laughing Bean isn’t...

Standup comedy in Vancouver

I’m building a list of standup comedy venues, nights, festivals and the like in Vancouver, and it begins here on this very page. Here’s a very modest beginning; add your suggestions, corrections and additions in the comments below (thanks, Riel!) and...