“Tell a story” is advice you’ll often hear about speechwriting. Telling a story—and telling it well—can be a key to connecting with your audience, and making your message memorable.

What you won’t hear as often is how to tell that story, and how to tell it really, really well. How to keep your audience leaning forward, eager for the next word. How to make yours a story they’ll repeat to their friends.

Good news: now there’s a podcast to help you do just that, and an accompanying workshop to put what you learn into practice. Better yet, Jessica Abel’s Out on the Wire often focuses on the world of audio and the spoken word, which are pretty much next-door neighbours to speechwriting.

Ms. Abel knows what she’s talking about, with 25 years experience making comics and other books. (My fellow cartoonists will know her from the books Drawing Words and Writing Pictures and Mastering Comics. This American Life aficionados may know her as co-author with Ira Glass of Radio: An Illustrated Guide.)

And if you like what you hear, check out Ms. Abel’s book Out on the Wire. It’s a graphic narrative  (read: comic book-style) look at how some brilliant people are producing the best radio and podcast storytelling around today.
